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6 Random Word Poem 9/12/2020

Words I had to use: apparatus, listen, eye, son, drunk, women. Words I didn't have to use (but did): in.

Blackout Poem 9/10/2020

This came from a NYT piece found HERE , by Michelle Goldberg .

Animals and Society Class - Discussion 2, Pets

Q: Pets and/or service animals: If you grew up with pets and/or service animals, how many and what kinds did you have?   A: I think we had almost every animal when I was growing up. We had a black lab named “Ed” when I was a baby, which I only know from photos of the two of us sitting on a sofa and sharing some ‘Nilla Wafers. Within my own memory we have had dogs, dogs, and more dogs; a giant fish tank; a rabbit named Peter, a parakeet I named Tweety that flew into the backyard with a numbered leg band and wasn’t afraid of people so we kept him; a guinea pig called Nellie I got as a 4H project; cats; more fish; more dogs, and feeding lots of feral cats – one of which will now let me pet it (while it eats).   Q: What was the role of pets in your household?   A: They were ubiquitous, but mostly separate. My grandparent’s generation felt that most pets, but especially dogs and cats, were ‘outside animals’. Actually, it was more my grandfathers, than grandmothers....

Historical Jesus Class - Discussion 1

Discussion Questions: Based on the reading and film, discuss examples of the layers of experience and interpretation that stand between the historical Jesus and the written sources on his life that we have access to.  None of canonical Gospels claims to be a diary written as events happened, and none even claims to have been written down by direct eyewitnesses.  They and the other sources we have appear to be at the receiving end of orally transmitted reports passed down over time.  What do you think were the major influences that may have shaped reports about Jesus as they were passed from person to person orally?  What expectations and experiences did the people have that might have shaped how stories about Jesus were told, or how certain things he taught were emphasized over others?  How serious do you think the challenge is to recover historical facts about Jesus t hrough these layers of interpretation? Answer: Upon reading the question, “What do you thin...

Animals and Society Class - Discussion 1

Because I'm having to spend so much of my time, at the moment, reading and writing for school and the blog is suffering slightly as a result, I'm going to post what I'm writing for school as a way to keep the blog active. I still intend to post other content as often as possible, but since I have to devote some time to this anyway, why not share? I would love to get feedback/comments on these posts if they provoke any thoughts/feelings for you.   Q: How are animals socially constructed? A: Both human and non-human animals are just socially constructed concepts, created by human cultures making up narratives which suit themselves. While the different cultures of the world (and throughout history) may have different definitions of which animals are food, which animals provide companionship, or which animals are worthless / dangerous / vermin, the definitions are all just agreed upon by the group. The entire structure is completely arbitrary and created by the cultures thems...

Blackout Poem 8/24/2020

This is from a Washington Post opinion piece by Max Boot , found HERE .

Goodreads Giveaway!

Enter the Giveaway for a chance to win one of 100 free Kindle editions of Kathy Shearer's Second Act the first book in the Kat Steals Life Series   GIVEAWAY RUNS 8/23/2020 - 9/21/2020 Goodreads Book Giveaway Kathy Shearer's Second Act by Kayt Ludi Giveaway ends September 21, 2020. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway   About the book:  Kathy Shearer is a woman turning 40 - divorced, no kids, no family besides her cat, and in a dead-end job that sucks the life out of her daily. She's always loved crime/heist/police procedural books and shows, so in the midst of a slight midlife crisis she works up the nerve to see if she can pull off a heist herself. The answer is that she can, and she does, and Kathy's second act, as Kat Steele, is where her l...