In a bid to get some eyes on my new book, Freaky Shitty Things, and Men I decided to try a few of the paid promotional sites I've encountered online. I chose these three on the basis of liking the services they offered and the prices they were asking. Seeing as how I am just dipping my toe in with paying for promotional services I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg.
- Digital Book Today | Promote My New Free Book program - I'll be having a free weekend soon on Amazon. So, this seemed like a good thing to try to get some attention during that time frame. They have an option for promoting your book if it's a certain length and has a certain number of reviews on Amazon, but I didn't meet either requirement, so I did THIS VERSION. Cost: $15 - I will let you know how it goes after the promo is over.
- Books & the Bear | Social Media Promotion - It's a basic social media blast, designed and implemented by them, and sent to their audience of 210,000+. Average clicks are supposed to be: 458+. I ordered it for only one day, 3/21/17, just to see if I get any results. I'll let you know. Cost: $10.
- SHOUT my Book | Starter Plan [One (1) promotional tweet daily] - I ordered the minimum package of just one tweet per day for 30 days. I just saw that the campaign is active (I ordered it about 48 hrs ago). And my book is listed as being featured for 3/14/17 on their landing page. I'll let you know how it goes - so far I've already noticed an upswing in Twitter followers since last night. Cost: $14.99
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