So, after two back to back 5wk summer courses - which I am thrilled I got to take, despite the workload, because they were fascinating, my one week off before the early start of Fall semester (thanks, Covid) vanished into thin air for personal reasons. Then there were snafus with publishing my novel - I hired someone to do a final proof because it's nearly impossible to catch all your own mistakes when you know what something is supposed to say - even if you are occasionally paid to proofread for others. It just takes fresh eyes to catch everything. Well, not only did the person I hired have an (understandable) emergency which delayed the process, but after I got it back I still found typos we had BOTH missed, ugh! Now, I'm behind in reading for my fall classes, am still trying to cobble together the right poems for a chapbook competition with a deadline of Aug 31st, am being harassed by code enforcement about some weeds at my vacant fixer upper which is frustratingly still n